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Energy healing has the wonderful ability to assist you in moving through the discomfort of change and the challenges that come with the human experience.  ​My main focus is on root cause and realignment.With that focus in mind, I help  you create space for opportunities and open hearted living, with Divine assistance. There are several modalities that I am blessed to channel. Traditional Usui Reiki,  IET (Integrated Energy Therapy), and Phe-Lu.

Energy Healing Session

  • Please ensure that you drink more water than you normally would and be gentle with yourself as you process your session.

    You may feel emotionally raw for a couple of days and this is completely normal. You'll notice old though patterns, memories and emotions come to the surface for release. Acknowledge them, thank them and let them go. You are shifting into new habits and new positive thought patterns/ beliefs and it takes a bit of time and patience to release the old and move into the new.

  • Please note that I am not a registered therapist or medical proffessional, and that all sessions are meant to uplift and empower through channeled spiritual guidance. Should you require it, please see a qualified Medical Professional.

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